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Thursday 8 December 2016


"The complexity of the challenges police officers face means that their leaders need to set the highest standards of integrity, honesty and objectivity if they are to be trusted and respected by the public.  You hold positions of great authority.  You have to sustain public confidence. You hold the police to account and it is up to you to demonstrate by example and live by high ethical standards".

These are some of the words of   Richard Thomas, a Member of the Committee on Standards in Public Life when he spoke earlier this week at the CoPaCC "OPCC Transparency" Quality Mark awards.

Perhaps Greater Manchester Police live in a different world.


  1. The really sad part is that this will just slide off of ACC Sutcliffe like her previous faux pas, but it will likely be career limiting for her victim, Superintendent Jackson. If there's one thing the brass hates, it's an underling rocking the boat.

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