on from my recent tweets when I alluded to the themes that have driven this blog along
for almost ten years I surely must add perhaps the one of which I have most
confidence that my fears will be realised; namely that the functions of
Justices of the Peace comprising independent finders of fact and sentencers of
the guilty will be but a historical memory within the next five or ten years. The pathway to our being snuffed out by governments with little regard
for opposition within the whole panoply is there for anyone to see. Since the
early 1990s an independent magistracy has been constrained and eventually
consumed by what is now Her Majesty`s Courts and Tribunal Service via the
disestablishment of magistrates` courts` committees and the local arrangements
alongside; arrangements such as the daily rostering of J.P.s` benches by
independent court elected rota committees. Instructions for such procedures are
now directed by senior judiciary. Management structures have been put in place
to serve the needs of government as opposed to the concept of justice. J.P.s
have been increasingly encouraged to participate in out of court functions eg
serving on committees with police to overlook the functioning of the system of
Fixed Penalty Notices, to serve on groups whose function is restorative justice
and other forms of what is termed “neighbourhood justice”. The appointment of professional
District Judges(M.C.) has accelerated corresponding with a 50% reduction in the
magistracy over a similar period; this at a time when, owing to various
factors, the through put in the courts is down by 30%+.
Quite simply the Ministry of Justice cannot be trusted. As I write its PR weasels are propagating the history of legal aid being founded 70 years ago today when in truth its availability has been removed for the vast majority who require it notwithstanding the fact that derisory rates of pay to practitioners has decimated the numbers prepared to offer their services under its umbrella and demoralised the rest still attempting to make a living offering their expertise to defendants. The
die has been cast irrespective of the name of the passing stranger sitting in Petty France and his cohort. The decision has been made. We are to be transformed or at
least our role must be transformed. The runes are there to be read. The Moving
Finger writes; and, having writ: all those who have refused to read the writing
on the wall must surely now be convinced. All magistrates courts will be
presided over by District Judges who for their part of the bargain will have to
dispense with legal advisors. Indeed the term “magistrates courts” will likely
be changed to “District Court” or “Local Royal Court” or similar. J.P.s such as
remain (perhaps 5,000 – 7,500)will be precluded from remand courts but will be
given the sop of sitting as permanent wingers on trials with perhaps or perhaps
not an input on sentencing.
is the emasculation prepared for the magistracy.