I suppose it started in the NHS........surprise
surprise. At first there were nurses. A
patient would have the assurance and comfort knowing that the person in a
pristine newly laundered uniform and white head covering (usually female) was a
qualified State Registered Nurse who in addition to pursuing her health care
duties would also make your bed, bring your meals and generally be available to
assist recovery morning noon and night undertaking even the most menial
functions. And then there came the State Enrolled Nurse who had gained a lesser qualification
than her S.R.N. colleague and worked
under her supervision. And lo! It came
to pass that voices from the one at south west number ten decreed that all nurses be
university educated. So we all give
thanks to these travellers from the East and South who have forsaken their
homes and families to minister to the sick and aged of the United Kingdom
assisted by minions who undertake the tasks too lowly even for them.
The teaching profession was not far behind in the
employment of low paid “assistants” employed to provide additional one to one
help where the classroom teacher was considered too busy to help little Johnny
reach the required fluency in reading.
These assistants are now classified as jobs in themselves and undertake tasks that were unenvisaged when they were first deployed; tasks that were thought to be the teacher`s preserve.
Police Community Support Officers have been on the
streets since 2003. They were initially
classified as “support” personnel for
warranted police officers. No formal
qualifications are required for this job which pays new recruits c£16,000. Unsurprisingly many police forces on reducing
budgets whilst cutting numbers of quality
warranted officers are making up with quantities of PCSOs.
Now; as if that it is not enough various constabularies eg Lincolnshire are actively
seeking volunteer unpaid PCSOs to fill their ranks. It is one thing to have volunteer warranted
police officers i.e. special constables but
“employing” unpaid uniformed street patrollers is a step far too far. Adding to the thousands of current council employees who can issue fixed
penalty notices for parking, minor traffic
, dog fouling, spitting, litter and other offences has uniformed state authority gone mad all in the name of austerity?