Comments are usually moderated. However, I do not accept any legal responsibility for the content of any comment. If any comment seems submitted just to advertise a website it will not be published.
Friday, 18 October 2013
“Picton” has laid out a structure by which applications for adjournments should be examined. More often than not my experience is that an application to adjourn by whichever side is opposed even if that opposition appears to be formulaic.
Not so long ago a s.4 charge was listed against a defendant based upon the statements of the only two prosecution witnesses; the complainants. One of them had a verified and very acceptable reason for her non appearance with only minimal notice. On the basis that without her evidence the prosecution would struggle to win their case an application to adjourn was made. Defence lawyer was quickly on his feet asking us to consider it a joint application on the grounds that his client would be prejudiced by that complainant`s not being available for cross examination. We agreed the adjournment wondering what was in the absentee`s statement to bring about such a decision.
Sitting as a magistrate is rarely if ever a formulaic event even in the most mundane and repetitive of situations.
Thursday, 17 October 2013
Police misconduct or allegations thereof is once again headline news so two recent contrasting or complementary reports depending on one`s interpretation make interesting reading.
Devon and Cornwall Police are surprised at an increased number of complaints whilst their colleagues in North Yorkshire are concerned that no police officer found guilty of misconduct over the last five years has been exonerated on appeal.
No opinion from me on this except to say that our whole system of policing seems to be on the verge of profound change.
Wednesday, 16 October 2013
Everyone involved in the administration of our magistrates` courts cannot but be unaware of the gross inefficiency in their performance. Of course trial and sentencing statistics are manipulated to undermine criticism and so enlarge the fiefdoms of those in Whitehall continually considering new forms of “consolidation” or “rationalisation” of HMCTS. Justices of the Peace and their hundreds of thousands of annually wasted man hours are nothing more than the collateral damage resulting.
I was recently informed by the highest authority that every time a magistrate cancels a sitting this information is recorded and passed on to HMCTS. One could remark that such an action is not unreasonable and it would be churlish to disagree. But…..and it`s a big But……when we J.P.s are cancelled that statistic goes unrecorded however short the notice of cancellation might be. Which leads me to relate a simple oft repeated experience.
Shortly after I transferred this blog to its current site here, I had scheduled a rare afternoon sitting; rare (for me) because I offer myself for whole days. However I duly appeared in the retiring room at 1.45p.m. to meet my colleagues who had arrived shortly before me. At 1.55p.m. the L/A arrived to tell us that the single pending matter was a trial, a civil case brought by an individual against the borough. The problem was that the applicant had not appeared nor had his representative. She left to make more inquiries after looking through her court file and telling us that the appropriate paperwork for the current listing had not been sent to said applicant nor his solicitor. Half an hour later she returned to tell us that the missing lawyer could not remember whether or not he had been in court on the previous listing when the adjourned date had been announced. Thus we had another ineffective trial owing 100% to the non functioning of our court`s administrators. But more to the point if the papers had been read the day previously in preparation (as they should have been) the omission would or should have been noticed and the unnecessary attendance of the three of us could have been prevented. Even if administrative delay had meant that the preparation had been the same morning our appearances could have been cancelled by three phone calls.
That is the reality of the manner in which HMCTS treats the backbone of a unique part of the justice system; the part which wraps up from first appearance to conclusion about 95% of all criminal activity brought to book in England & Wales. That is the justice baby which is being flushed down the justice drain along with the bathwater.
Monday, 14 October 2013
It is almost two years since the election of the first Police and Crime Commissioners for England and Wales. There was considerable controversy over this policy but it was driven through by the Coalition in the face of much reasoned opposition. Forecasts of public inertia were discounted only to be proved correct by a turn out to vote of only 15% of those so entitled. Since then there seems to have been continuing media interest in the goings on of these public servants, their associates and their cost to the public purse. Currently there are investigations into the affairs of the P.C.C.s in Lancashire, Durham and North Wales. A first report by the well respected Home Affairs Committee of the House of Commons on the activities of P.C.Cs was published earlier this year in May. It makes for an interesting if somewhat lengthy read.
Friday, 11 October 2013
The imposition of a curfew with electronic monitoring is considered as a sentence involving loss of liberty. It is described in Sentencing Guidelines to be used, “where the punishment of the offender and/or the need to safeguard the public and prevent re-offending are the most important concerns”. However there is surprisingly little “guidance” on when and to what degree it should be imposed save for the statutory limits; a maximum of 16 hours daily and for not greater than 12 months duration. For sentencers the attractions of such a disposal are that it can be imposed without a pre sentence report or without an offender being legally represented and more significantly it can therefore be imposed immediately after a guilty plea or found guilty after trial. In the terms of CJSSS it is Criminal Justice Simple, Speedy and Summary.
Before such an imposition a court will always consider an offender`s lifestyle eg family obligations, employment requirements, type of residence and any other considerations brought to its attention including perhaps travel arrangements previously made and/or paid for insofar as their possibly having a bearing on the proposed terms. It is a matter of judgement of the court on the weight put upon any objections made. In our current position it is rare indeed for my colleagues and me to be allowed to use our judgement so proscribed are many decisions.
Similar judgements have to be made when an application is made in court for curfew conditions to be altered. I`m sure that most J.P.s have heard , as I have, many tales based on the old adage, “I need to go to a funeral. My grandma has died in Ireland, Poland, Lithuania….etc etc” or anywhere far enough away to require some days and nights away from the registered address. Holidays, pre and post booked, are another reason often cited to alter the curfew. And of course those imposed before and including Christmas and new year will bring pleas of once in a lifetime family re-unions etc.
Chris Grayling, the tough man at the Ministry after kindly old Kenneth Clarke, usually wastes no opportunity to flex his judicial authority. His comments subsequent to a decision at Truro Magistrates` Court in April should be noted as they are likely to be acted upon before 2015. Meantime the scenario has been enacted again at Bath Magistrates` Court. I will not comment on the decision; only those present heard all the argument but once again the police show their delight in condemning the court`s decision. This trend by police to forever criticise magistrates for their sentencing does nothing to enhance their image. It serves only to divert attention from the very real problems affecting them nationally. From proven corruption at the highest levels to actions not far from being politically motivated to allegations that misconduct is brushed under the carpet where possible, to continuing mistrust by ethnic minorities it behoves them to be a bit more introspective and to cease blaming magistrates for exercising their judgement. It would be a sad day if police controlled legal outcomes as perhaps some would wish them to be able to do.
The other day I was reading the blog of a criminal lawyer who had received comments from a man who felt he had been short changed by the presiding magistrate during a recent court exchange. It would not be an understatement to consider that rules applying to the judiciary in general and the magistracy in particular must be the most constraining ever devised for a body of professionals. An immediate response would be that such people who are often dealing with the fine tuning of the English language require the finest of fine tuning in documents designed to ensure that their behaviour and actions both inside and outside the courtroom are beyond any reasoned criticism. On the other hand the more that is specified the wider the net into which people can be caught for reasoned or unreasonable criticism.
Be that as it may these documents are what we as Justices of the Peace must live with. They are available here and here.
Thursday, 10 October 2013
Under the Labour administration of 1997 – 2010 we have had introduced over three thousand new laws; Police Community Support Officers, revamped traffic wardens with powers to issue penalty notices in addition to parking tickets, ASBOs which are civil orders the breach of which can lead to lengthy custodial sentences are some examples.
Since 21/08/2009 Magistrates` and County Courts have had the power to make Drinking Banning Orders. DBOs on conviction came into force on 1st April 2010 in 25 Local Justice Areas. Latest available figures are that a total of only 625 DBOs was issued to 31st December 2011. It has been recognised by many statistical analyses that around 70% of all crime is committed by offenders addicted to alcohol and/or drugs. Considering that many more individuals are addicted to the former rather than the latter the number of alcoholics with a criminal record must number in the millions. The NHS estimates that around 9% of men in the UK and 4% of UK women show signs of alcohol dependence. The miniscule number of DBOs ......a single order per day for England & Wales is an indication that magistrates` courts have more sense than the government which introduced them. All they do is disperse the problem elsewhere. Indeed it is just another reason why alcoholic offenders should be treated as medical cases and if necessary by compulsion just as schizophrenic and other mentally unstable patients can, under certain circumstances, be forcibly incarcerated in places of safety for themselves and the general public who must be protected. Hardly a week goes by without headline stories of the havoc wreaked by such people who are supposed to be being “cared for in the community” but are walking the streets.
And yet the new publicity seekers within the law `n order brigade, Police and Crime Commissioners, still consider that shouting louder makes for understanding. The latest of these loudmouths making a noise is Adam Simmonds P.C.C. for Northamptonshire whose local online media have spread his hope that magistrates inter alia will increase their use of Drink Banning Orders. The object of his wrath was an individual who was sentenced to such a disposal at the local crown court by an order banning him from entering any pub, club or bar in Northamptonshire. He is being set up to fail. It is not reported whether or not any ancillary orders were made.
Public drunkenness is now a regular and frequent feature of high streets from Andover to Yarmouth. Where it can be controlled as on public transport or at sporting events it has brought a metaphorical breath of fresh air to the vast crowds who use or attend these places. But on our streets it seems the ubiquitous DBO is being applied like a Band Aid to a bullet wound. Such orders IMHO are a complete waste of time and resource. Invariably those subject to such orders can without much forethought figure out how to evade them. Breaches cannot be punished by a custodial sentence. All they do is displace the problem drinker from one area to another. If ever legislation is seen to be like moving the chairs on the deck of the Titanic DBOs are a prime example.
Wednesday, 9 October 2013
Freedom of the press is once more a hot topic. But perhaps of equal import is the sometimes careless sub editing of articles or their headlines. From time to time as J.P.s we are responsible for the granting or refusal of search warrants for which police have applied. We (or sometimes a single Justice) will review the merits of what is placed before us and decide whether or not the information is fit for purpose. In my court this procedure is usually conducted after the court has been cleared for obvious reasons of security.
In Yeovil, District Judge Maurice Champion must have heard an application to close down an alleged crack house in open court such is the lengthy report of the proceedings in the local on-line “This is Somerset”. Note the article`s headline:- “Judge refuses to shut alleged crack house”. The very fact that the judge refused to accept the allegation leads logically to question that headline. The impression from its double negative connotation is of a judge failing in his duty to assist police and so failing the local neighbourhood. The sub editors seem to have overlooked the minor constitutional point that judges (and magistrates) are in post to ensure that due legal process is observed.
If the day comes when judges are merely rubberstamping the demands of police or government this country will really have hit rock bottom.
Tuesday, 8 October 2013
Unsurprisingly there
has been only limited publicity in national media to a motion to be debated at
the forthcoming Annual General Meeting of the Magistrates` Association. This
event has historically been a talking shop for the small numbers attending and
of little interest to anyone else. However
in the light of the momentous changes affecting magistrates which have taken place since 2010, are in
current progress and/or are likely to be
activated in the next few years, changes which affect the functioning of the
courts through which over 90% of criminal cases begin and end, some might consider that one of the two
resolutions for debate ; “this Annual General
Meeting believes that the present oath and affirmation are no longer fit for
purpose and should be replaced by the following: ‘I promise very sincerely to
tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth and I understand
that, if I fail to do so, I will be committing an offence for which I will be
punished and may be sent to prison.’ is a
peripheral matter and not worthy of the time allocated for its discussion.
Witnesses in court currently
are offered the opportunity to take the oath on an appropriate holy book or to
affirm. The wording of the former is, “I swear by
.......... (according to religious belief) that the evidence I shall give shall
be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth”. Those who choose to affirm say, "I do
solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm that the evidence I shall give
shall be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth." In historical terms oath taking can be traced
back to the Book of Genesis. Virtually
all ancient civilisations recognised the taking of an oath as the highest level
that an individual could place upon the truthfulness of his words. The Christian tradition from which current English
court practice is derived originated at a time when the population believing in
a literal translation of the Bible was in awe of the Church and the divine
retribution for lying having taken the Lord`s name in vain. There were notable exceptions particularly Quakers
who to this day will affirm rather than swear.
Similar religious objections to swearing the oath are held by orthodox
Jews. The manner in which a witness is
asked to swear or affirm is of some significance. I have often heard a legal advisor say to a
witness, “Do you want to swear on your holy book or affirm?” Other forms of approach are, “ Do you have a
religion?” and variations thereof. Unless the witness has a belief in divine
retribution it seems to me that the oath indeed is superfluous even if it is
followed by a warning of the consequences of lying. From that point of view an affirmation to
tell the truth is more realistic. Over
the years I have noticed that the majority of police officers declines the oath
and affirms. I would leave readers to
make their own conclusions on that observation.
It is usually the case that very
rarely if ever does a witness who might be considered Muslim or ethnically of
Arab heritage decline to swear on the Koran.
It seems that even when such witnesses in their evidence attest to
behaviour forbidden by the Koran they have chosen not to affirm. There are certain conclusions that might be
drawn from this equivocal attitude to religious belief or lack of and not just by Muslims that might be
more suitable for another occasion by other commenters.
The threat of
court proceedings in the event of a witness having been shown to be a liar is 99%
an empty threat. In 2010 only three defendants
of 37 charged were found guilty of perjury in a magistrates` court and one of
those was given a conditional discharge.
That is the real situation of truth telling and lying in the lower court.
The taking of the
oath has significance only to a small minority.
I therefore support the motion but wish the M.A. would have relegated it
to a lower level of discussion and allowed more significant changes to our
situation to be the subject of debate at the A.G.M.
Monday, 7 October 2013
One of the more undignified situations
which can befall us in the winter months is to slip on an icy patch of pavement
or road; if the latter a lack of dignity is the least of the possible
outcomes. Those few square inches of
leather or rubber on the soles of our feet just did not have sufficient
friction to prevent our losing balance.
It is incredible to consider that about the same such area is the area a
tyre has in contact with a road surface. All that steering and braking
technology has zero value if the tyre behaves as our footwear on that icy
Apparently over 87% of the 10,228
prosecutions for defective tyres last year were proved. My personal experience of such cases is that
other charges are often brought in addition.
Rarely is the maximum fine of £2,500 imposed but the three penalty
points are mandatory and can lead unsuspecting drivers to the totting limit of
twelve. Considering that the cost of
tyres, economy brands included, is so relatively low the price for neglect in
this regard can be extremely high in every meaning of that word especially when
considered as an aggravating circumstance in a more serious charge.
Friday, 4 October 2013
Yesterday I posted on publicly reported remarks made by a J.P. at his retirement. I have no doubts that his opinions are shared by some if not many of my colleagues. My own position is quite clear; there is a direction from the very top levels of government to limit the numbers of offenders being sent to immediate custody. Of course nowhere will there be a direct quote from those responsible. But the evidence is as clear as daylight. On 27/09/2013 the prison population was 84,430; operational capacity is 87,788. Simple arithmetic shows that the prisons are running at over 96% capacity. In NHS hospitals in England there are 19,710 beds available for overnight occupation from a total of 136,471; i.e. hospitals which are maligned for the failure to provide sufficient beds are running at 85% capacity. Sentencing Guidelines provide further evidence that the hurdles especially to imprisonment for lower level offending have been raised. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the offences of driving whilst disqualified, assault and theft (shoplifting).
Our legislators are abysmally ignorant of the realities. Rehmen Chishti MP is the sponsor of his forthcoming Drink Driving (Repeat Offenders ) Bill which he hopes will curb this anti social and dangerous behaviour. His proposal is that the current maximum sentence of six months should be increased to two years. Considering that the offence is summary only that would mean it should become "either way" and be tried before judge and jury thus increasing time and cost. Perhaps Mr Chishti is unaware of some facts. When I was appointed in the `90s it was not uncommon for a second offence of drink driving to be punished by a custodial sentence up to six months. That now rarely happens owing to this and the previous government`s desire to reduce prison numbers. It is only after a third similar offence or an extremely aggravated second offence that prison is considered appropriate and often the sentence is suspended.
Assault on the streets is cited as a very common fear especially by younger and paradoxically older members of the population. Around half a million summary non motoring offences are dealt with annually at magistrates` courts. It is almost impossible for this non research fellow to ascertain the rate of immediate imprisonment for assault by beating. Anecdotally I would suggest that the rate is considerably less than it was twenty years ago. The ubiquitous “Suspended Sentence Order” appears so often now on pre sentence reports that I wonder if the writers understand that the custody threshold must be passed before consideration of suspending such a disposal is in the public interest. The SSO itself to have any meaning must have the default imposition of immediate custody applied following a further conviction within the period of suspension. All too often that does not happen and IMHO that brings the law into disrepute. The following case was heard by South Durham Magistrates sitting at Darlington Magistrates' Court: comment without full knowledge is dangerous but examples such as this are commonplace. What might be the view of the citizen of Darlington reading this short report?
“SENTENCE BREACH: Abigail Rae Noble, 21, of Middleton Street, Darlington, admitted two breaches of a suspended sentence order imposed by Teesside Crown Court. As punishment, magistrates imposed an eight week curfew, valid between 7pm and 7am each night, and ordered her to continue with community requirements of the original order”.
Many official statistics consider that 70% of acquisitive crime is due to addicts, whether of drugs and/or alcohol, seeking funds to feed their habit(s). Shoplifting by any other term is often their preferred route to raising cash. Sentencing Guidelines allow immediate imprisonment for such offenders even when the sum in question is only a few pounds. Magistrates have a public protection duty in addition to consideration of the criminal`s circumstances. All too often I feel that that consideration is overlooked.
A bench at Warwickshire Justice Centre chose not to impose prison terms on two individuals with what might be regarded as a propensity for thieving. I can say that having sat on many similar cases I feel that that obligation for public protection is now not a consideration for many of my colleagues.
Perhaps when dinosaurs like me have retired the Howard League and its supporters will succeed in banning all prison sentences of less than six months. Heaven preserve us all if we have to rely on the Daily Mail to plead our cause.
Thursday, 3 October 2013
Of all the prohibitions on the activities or actions a Justice of the Peace can undertake none is taken more seriously than talking to the media on the record. The Media Guide for the Judiciary is the rod with which a J.P.`s back can be broken if it is considered that s/he has stepped out of line. Colleagues have been removed from the magistracy for such failings. So it is hardly surprising that just as former generals or senior civil servants wait until their pensions are assured before going public with criticisms of systems or institutions, criticisms which would have had much more significance if they had been delivered whilst the bearer was in post, Alan Bissell J.P. waited until the moment he retired from the Flintshire Bench before lambasting procedures with which he (and others) had been forced to comply. His main outpouring was his belief that the concept of punishment had been diminished by the actions of government over many years. Certainly he would have received a letter from the Office for Judicial Complaints if he had made his remarks, which must have been co-ordinated with the press who reported them, a few weeks or months earlier.
Of course Grayling, like his predecessors, can and does produce volumes of statistics to show that whatever is the real situation crime is diminishing, police are not failing and the courts are more efficient than ever. But there is one factor that by its very nature cannot be abused by statisticians because it is a negative and everyone knows that negatives are very difficult to substantiate. And that is the increasing tendency of the Crown Prosecution Service to undercharge on assault from the summary charge to the most serious life threatening offences. Other forms of criminality eg fraud are also undercharged but for magistrates it is assault with which we are most familiar. I would posit that there is not a single colleague who has not sat on simple assault by beating and thought that the CPS was failing in its public duty of protection by not using the more serious charges that the case details warranted. The reason for such dereliction of duty in an organisation which has rid itself of 10%+ of its lawyers and is operating on a much reduced budget is not difficult to find. The other side of the same coin is well illustrated in a case on which I sat a few weeks ago. One simple incident when a young white woman who had been observed drinking from a can of cider and shouting at her friends pushed a black policeman in the back shouting “black trash” was charged with being drunk & disorderly, assault P.C. and s.5 Public Order Act racially aggravated. She was, as I recall, convicted by majority of all three offences and the CPS`s statistics were duly enhanced.
Is this the best way of applying the too oft repeated mantra, “We are the party of law `n order”? I wish Alan Bissell a well earned retirement from the bench. Long may his cup runneth over.
Wednesday, 2 October 2013
My last sitting saw me in the courtroom for six hours. Those unaware of the wall to wall inefficiencies to be encountered in magistrates` courts might utter, “so what”. They would be right to do so. The time wasted in courts presided over by me and my colleagues has to be seen and experienced to be believed. I won`t rehearse the reasons. Everyone bar the number crunchers and greasy pole climbers at HMCTS and Justice Ministry who behave like the three monkeys is well aware that the withdrawal of capital from the system has wrought changes which if not readily reversed will have ever lasting detrimental effects on what was once one of the world`s fairest justice systems where in timely fashion it was almost beyond reasonable doubt that the innocent were acquitted and the guilty punished with punishment appropriate to the offences committed.
But returning to my recent all day session; the morning was taken up by the trial of a youth of nineteen; a refugee from a war torn central African state, who was charged with assault. When he was identified we asked our L/A to have him confirm his date of birth. William Hill would have given odds on he was no more that 15 given his slight build and height of about 5ft 6 inches. However he insisted he was 19 and CPS called the complainant, a cruiserweight to the accused`s featherweight status. African boy spoke a very educated English and displayed a certain confidence bordering on arrogance when he gave his version of events. Severe cross examination did not put him off his stride. The evidence, however, was so overwhelming that we wondered how legal advice had allowed him at this 3rd listing to continue with a not guilty plea.
With his previous good character, a part time evening job at a supermarket and confirmation of his excellent grades at college we were satisfied that a conditional discharge and advice to avoid alcohol which seemed to be responsible for his errant behaviour was an appropriate disposal. The relief on the face of his mother in the public gallery was an indication that his offending might have been nipped in the bud.
Our afternoon was occupied by the case of a Sudanese man from the Nubian region. He was about 60 and walked with the aid of walking sticks in each hand. He had the classical features of his race. His jet black skin, sculptured cheekbones and classical brow would not have been misplaced on a hieroglyph from ancient Egypt. His authoritative manner matched his appearance. He had previously been tried in absence and found guilty of s.4 public order and was before us with his lawyer applying to have his case re-opened. After lengthy legal argument which I personally found particularly intellectually stimulating he failed. Post sentence we wondered just what damage he could have been capable of if he could have moved freely without his crippled lower limbs being assisted by the walking sticks occupying his hands.
The standard has been set. I doubt that there will be another non remand session before 2014 where my all day sitting will be what it says on the tin.
Monday, 30 September 2013
From Hillsborough via the Stafford hospital scandal, by passing numerous “baby bashing” cases and child grooming the authorities concerned have generally tried to avoid personal responsibility by staff members for actions ranging from misconduct to manslaughter. These staff members have ranged from chief executives to individual professionally qualified personnel. Blame has been placed on procedures, culture or institutional deficiencies of one sort or another. Overseeing authority has also been reluctant to place blame where it is or has been deserved. The recent BBC debacle has been a prime example. So when an authoritative source names names, feathers are ruffled. And so it seems were the burghers of Bournemouth.
Since magistrates` courts had taken from them licensing duties which had been in their domain for decades their remaining function in this regard has been as a court of appeal. And councillors in the Dorset seaside town went to the press with their anger at remarks at such an appeal. The bench chairman had, in the councillor`s opinion, the temerity to make clear the court`s reasons for rejecting an appeal by said council. The reasons reported included criticism of evidence given to the court by council officials. Apparently that upset a fine upstanding local representative. His own display of pique and arrogance by somebody who should know better was an indication of his limited understanding and appreciation of what the law is about. The magistrates concerned will of course say nothing more in public about their decision. Their reasons are already in the public domain. They are above local political shenanigans. If a council officer was deserving of criticism in the proceedings it was their duty to say so publicly.
There has been too much circling of the wagons to protect poorly performing publicly paid council workers however senior. If the courts cannot make known their reasons including criticism of such people we should all start learning Mandarin.
Friday, 27 September 2013
I would imagine that anybody reading here would by now be aware of changes being forced upon the probation service. The underlying theme is payment byresults. There is vociferous opposition to this initiative much of it coming not unnaturally from those professionals who will have to undertake their work where the motivation is profit as opposed to performance. Protagonists would argue that performance leads to profit and one cannot be achieved without the other. That might be a sound point of view except that the statistical bases on which PBR is and will be judged are open to much scrutiny. Indeed considering all the controversial decisions at the Ministry of Justice since 2010 this change to the concept of probation services must rank near the top of the list.
I have been sent a programme attached to a regular newsletter for an event on 3rd October being hosted by London Probation Trust in its new partnership with SERCO. I will leave readers to form their own opinions but a thought does strike me that the glossier and more upbeat a programme looks the less substance is at its core.
Thursday, 26 September 2013
There are three constituent parts of any criminal justice system, the process of catching suspected offenders, charging and convicting them in the courts and incarcerating them in prisons. The first two components consist of many people with corresponding checks and balances to ensure justice is done with fairness to all and is seen to be thus done. However when it comes to the running of prisons in general the governor is "king" and almost but not quite an absolute monarch. Controversy erupts from time to time when it is revealed that governors have supreme power and are using that power to release prisoners far sooner than anybody had authorised.
If prison governors are "kings" then prison warders are the "nobles" and as we learn in history kings and nobles were often in conflict as to where the power would lie. In prison it is forbidden for inmates to possess or use mobile phones, drugs, or to use networking sites. So there is no drug problem in jails.....? no criminal activity involving mobile phone contact between convicts and the outside world.....? And of course using Facebook and similar sites is forbidden so nobody in prison does it......?
It has been said by many with knowledge that the Prison Officers Union is the last bastion of left wing union extremism where union power and not the management is in control of the work place. Similarly it has been said that whilst drugs are illegal if they were totally excluded from jails there would be serious riots with the result that to a certain extent a blind eye is turned to the illegal supply in prisons. If using Facebook is contrary to prison rules how does a dangerous inmate access it without the knowledge of those paid to keep him secure and out of contact with the public at large? With the government`s intention to ban smoking by all within a prison`s gates should we be grateful for its benevolence in trying to wean offenders from that most deadly weed? The Prison Officers Association has been in the vanguard of those seeking a smoking ban in prisons. The Association is of course in favour of all the other restrictions mentioned above but its members seem a tolerant lot to the transgressors and it`s easy to understand why; those incarcerated for long hours in overcrowded cells need little to change them from docile dependent individuals to angry aggravated resentful objectors to their situation. Cigarettes, for those addicted, in addition to being a currency in prison allow a sense of satisfaction when that craving is assuaged. Take away that small amount of pleasure to be substituted by nicotine patches and it is not unlikely that life will become more intense for warders and negate any benefits accruing from the removal of secondary inhalation of nicotine.
But governments of the current colour and that previous seem to operate as if by mantra. Human Rights law being applied to army personnel in a war situation appears to be totally incongruous. And applying a no smoking philosophy in line with current legislation on the tobacco habit in prisons is as surely a recipe for disaster as was the coalition`s West Coast rail contract, its contract for courts interpreter services, its proposed “pasty tax”, its proposed forestry sell off and a dozen other U turns.
If prisons are being run for the benefit of a quiet life for their employees as a first consideration and the protection of the public as a second I find this whole process of a smoking ban difficult to understand.
Wednesday, 25 September 2013
I make no apologies for copying below my post earlier this year of 18th February when I was still at my previous web address. It is unclear from the report whether J.P.s or a District Judge(MC) presided. I consider this a disgraceful bye law. I can remember my late father with his health problems forced to spit in the street before he could fumble about to find a handkerchief. Anybody exercising his/her right to use the streets for strenuous exercise eg cycling or jogging {as I do} will at some time have to spit.
Whilst I suppose being prescient on this topic has some sort of satisfaction for this blogger it reinforces his opinion of the restrictive nature that now envelops our society. We are not a nation ridden with T.B. and in any event in London where that disease has been imported in the main from Africa there is much more chance of infection from riding the Tube for a few stops than in the streets of an outer borough.
Earlier this morning like thousands of others across the country with the hope of enjoying a healthier life I went jogging. And like those thousands of fellow non athletes who seek to counter the effects of a sedentary over caloried lifestyle the activity in the lower regions of the lungs attempting to produce an increase in oxygen supply provoked the action of expectoration, a reflex action of the body and not one borne of voluntary habit. I was not running in the London Borough of Enfield. The proposals of the ham fisted burgers of this area were the subject of a post here one year ago on 13/02/2012. A two line statement in a document of 176 pages entitled “Public Document Pack THE CABINET Wednesday, 5th December, 2012 at 8.15 pm in the Conference Room, Civic Centre, Silver Street, Enfield, EN1 3XA" states as follows:-
The Council is leading on a new initiative to bid to ban spitting in the borough. If enough residents back the call Enfield will be the first council in the country to ban the habit.”Apparently without further ado this aspiration to outlaw expectoration is now a bye law but in the neighbouring borough of Waltham Forest. Spitting is being considered as littering and offenders will be subject to a fine of £80. However nowhere on that Council`s website is mention made of spitting being classified as littering with all the sanctions that that offence produces.
It is an absolute certainty that within a year the refusal of an “offender” to pay such a fine will lead to an appearance at the local magistrates` court where colleagues will have an interesting debate on the lawfulness of such a bye law. As for me I will continue my exercise routine and hope that my principles are not put to the ultimate test if those interfering do gooding busybodies in my borough get up to the same tricks.
Thursday, 19 September 2013
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