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Monday 29 September 2014


Perhaps because I am alert to the activities of our esteemed Justice Secretary and ignore the efforts of his colleagues to secure favourable press and media coverage that I find this snippet from the BuryTimes quite nauseating.  This politician has done more than any of his predecessors to reduce the role and effectivity   of our so called local system of summary justice.   His visit to the constituency of a sycophantic colleague ostensibly in connection with magistrates` courts has, surprise surprise, no comment by or inclusion of a local J.P.  They probably had no knowledge of this publicity stunt probably arranged by the local Tories in collusion with the first non lawyer Lord Chancellor.  We can expect more of this sort of page filler as May approaches.


  1. Interested that you seem to have deleted a very recent entry which I thought might deter many readers (myself included) from looking at your comments in future.

  2. Comments which have been approved for publication appear not to make the blog comments. I will need to investigate this.
