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Friday, 26 May 2017


Honour:- the quality of knowing and doing what is morally right.  The meaning has been distorted by many people on many occasions to justify deeds which were anything but honourable. But taking the word at its original and sometimes still current definition its application to those in public office has steadily declined over the decades since 1945.  That decline could arguably be one of the many reasons why public faith in those in public office has diminished.  When demonstrably aberrant behaviour is revealed within senior figures connected with the NHS or justice system especially in or connected to police forces an irreparable chipping away of pubic confidence is inevitable. Scandals within the recently established Scottish Police are a perfect example of the rot which has eaten away that confidence. The latest episode is the refusal of the Scottish Police Authority chair Andrew Flanagan to resign after revelations of his reprehensible activities as a senior public figure.  

There seems to be no concept of right and wrong. Perhaps with the decline of an ethical attitude to society based upon Judae Christian principles no satisfactory substitute has been effective.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, but Lessons, you see, have been Learned.
