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Wednesday 11 April 2018


When I was active  as a chairman I rarely if ever used the pronouncements as listed in the Bench Book. I was not an actor with a script; I spoke to witnesses and defendants as I would have liked to have been addressed were I in their position. Most of all it meant that simple English was used that would be understood readily without need for further explanation unless of course a witness had English as a second or third language.  The chairman of the bench at    Flintshire Magistrates’ Court at Mold, was to the point when he told an offender, "you were conned".  He was referring to so called advice given by this firm of solicitors. A clap on the back from me to the chairman. Read all about it.

1 comment:

  1. Motoring cases do seem to attract the, shall we say, morally flexible end of the legal profession.

    I note the very careful wording of their claim that 80 - 100% of cases are "won at trial or dropped by CPS following a plea of not guilty", when the article reveals that many of their clients plead guilty.

    They could argue that their marketing is the truth, and nothing but the truth, just not the whole truth.

    Well, I'm sure the SRA watchdog will give them a vicious and prompt gumming in 24 to 48 months.
