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Monday, 23 December 2019


I suppose "peace on Earth and goodwill towards men" sums up precisely what the world needs most. Unfortunately recent events indicate that that aspiration might never be attained.  However until such time that that enduring phrase is erased from our consciousness and our consciences we can but be hopeful that we might reach an era when its repetition offers some solace to all of us.

I thank all my readers for the precious minutes they have spent to read my simple offerings in 2019 and hope to be back here with some more of the same in January.  



  1. Thanks for all your erudite and knowledgeable writings. As a man in the street it's interesting, if not downright worrying, to hear what's going on with the country's legal system

    1. Thank you man in the street for your kind words. You are right to be worried; we are all worried.
