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Wednesday 28 July 2021


There are millions of self employed people from artists to zoo keepers who legally claim self employed status.  Once the situation is approved by Her Majesty`s Revenue and Customs those individuals can access the tax benefits but occasionally rue their decision by losing out in other ways perhaps unforeseen at the time of making their decision.  The situation is similar for the company or individual to whom they sell their services. It or they have much reduced control over said individual but also much reduced liability if things are not as rosy as expected. However when a business, which had been run as one where all the workers were self employed, is sold one would have thought that all things being equal, liability in any form six years subsequently would well and truly not fall to that previous owner. WRONG!  It would appear that for dentist Mr Raj Rattan the High Court thought differently.  A reasonably comprehensive report explaining all this is available here

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