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Tuesday 16 January 2024




During my time on the bench I had a position on our Rota Committee.  In those days the committee had an overview of each court`s composition produced by an early computerised data base overseen by an experienced court officer and finalised by the bench Rota Committee.  That method followed the guidelines at the time and the oversight my colleagues and I performed ensured that anomalies of any sort were avoided. 

The topic appeared  on the now long defunct forum of the Magistrates` Association insofar as it pertained to the question of whether or not there was guidance on the issue of same sex benches in the adult court or perhaps as one wag put it, “same gender benches”: a comment that perhaps would now produce the wrath of God or the J.C.I.O. upon the "offender". My bench was split about 50/50 on sex………..I will resist a temptation to go slightly off topic…………so mathematically a random approach to the rota which we employed would usually produce MFM or FMF. MMM or FFF was generally the exception. In addition in a highly mixed ethnically diverse area reflected in a correspondingly higher ethnic mix on the bench as a whole race and religion produced more diverse benches than sex alone. As far as I was aware any composition of J.P.s on a bench would effect justice on any matter before it. There was no guidance. The good sense of all ensured it was not required.

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