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Tuesday, 27 February 2024



There are many reasons why some populations can be considered "patriotic" or unified and others less so. Climate change, external threats, political gerrymandering, immigration and in current terms unseen infiltration by aggressive AI from known or unknown sources.  Governments are elected to predict, control and counter where and when possible threats from the above sources and others.  Common to most political regimes are justice systems which vary in quality from totalitarian (virtually non existent and which Russia is a prime example) to "progressive" where excessive zeal has created a virtual free for all which is the basis of the democratic system`s near breakdown in Israel with consequences for all its citizens.  

In between is U.K. where pride in a justice system has been broadcast loud and proud for a century or more.  Not any more: this century has seen belief within and without the legal and associated professions diminish when the ability of many to access the justice system has been deliberately constrained by the imposition of costs for not just those of low income but also for many middle income earners in both criminal and civil courts.  There is however another factor at one time reluctantly accepted as a necessity of government which pervades the justice system; secrecy.  Appointments to the higher ranks of the bar and to the judiciary at all levels were carried out by whispers in cloisters or smoke filled rooms.  Some of the more atrocious activities have had light shone upon them but many remain.  By their very nature they resist exposure but events sometimes cast a fleeting glow on what governments are trying to avoid.

One such event was the verdict and sentencing of three terrorist supporters at a recent march supposedly in sympathy with Gazans and their terrorist overlords Hamas.  Earlier this month a senior district judge (MC) with sentencing options of six months custody allowed the offenders to walk out of court with a conditional discharge, the lowest but one non financial  sentence available to him.  However reporters digging for details, as is their prerogative, discovered that this judge had shown sympathy in social media with those who had accused Israel of terrorism against Palestinians;  similar sympathies of which the trio had been found guilty.  In addition this judge was no ordinary district judge. Tanweer Ikram in 2017was appointed Deputy Senior District Judge (Chief Magistrate).  To add to that Tanweer was appointed to the Judicial Appointments Commission  as a Judicial Commissioner for a term of three years from 14 December 2023.

Now from the viewpoint of that person on the Clapham omnibus comes the  non activity of  those who are supposed to expose questionable or ill advised judicial actions.  None of the bodies which has powers of oversight has chosen to use those powers to determine whether there was bias in Tanweer`s sentencing of those offenders. The Evening Standard has published a fair account of the situation thus far.  It would appear that having been promoted in December those in an oversight role of the judiciary have decided to close ranks fearing ridicule of their protégée. In other words they hope this case of disgraceful judicial bias  will fade away from the public mind to be replaced by positive headlines for a government desperately trying to convince us that it should be re-elected. 

It seems that a political lesson from times long gone have been forgotten; it`s the cover up wot got `em.  In the modern era from Richard Nixon onwards trying to hide scandal under a bush is a sure way to exposure.  Apart perhaps from the military and all that that word entails our justice system still reacts as if it indeed is a law unto itself from dealings with lowly magistrates to those at the top of the tree.  Secrecy is the bedfellow of demagogues and for those aspiring to such exalted position.  I hope we will soon hear more about this discredited judicial office holder.  The Tory carpet cannot have room for much more to be swept under it.  

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