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Friday, 5 July 2024


When magistrates reach retirement they are usually automatically transferred to the supplemental list.  This allows the individual to continue using the suffix after his/her name.  Personally I had no need for that personal aggrandisement even when active.The retired magistrates who continue to use those letters are, in my opinion, similar to those retired army, navy or airforce middle ranking officers who continue to use their rank. There are virtually no "benefits" or actions available for those retired JPs when they continue to use the suffix.  However there are some such people who continue to huff and puff and consider their opinions especially in the public sphere enhanced by continuing to use "JP".  On the downside they fail to note or are ignorant of the fact that the rules on misuse or publicity applying to active members of the junior judiciary, magistrates, still apply to those on that supplemental list.   

To his embarrassment  Mr Charles Peck JP, retired magistrate, has found to his cost that his desire to use his retained title in a public forum has cost him his good name amongst the few who will be aware of his misdemeanour. 

Other former colleagues should consider weighing up the benefit of telling the world they once were an active magistrate to the ignominy of being publicly castigated. 

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