A few years ago I attended for the
first time a committee meeting of the borough planning committee. My presence
was not as a councillor but as an objector to a proposal which was likely to
have an effect on amenities near my home. The visit proved interesting.
Although objectors to the three other planning applications before the
committee were allowed to exceed an allotted three minutes my neighbour and I
who, in our opinion, had more to complain about than the others, were cut off
in full flow at the allocated three minute deadline. When the applicant of the
proposal to which we objected took the stand he made three statements in his
five minute rebuttal which were simply lies. My neighbour upon getting to his
feet to object was ordered by the committee chairman to sit down and be quiet
upon pain of exclusion. Is this local democracy in action? My long held
disquiet at the machinations of planning officials, committees and their
approvals was not dispelled by my experience that evening. To cap it all an
earlier application to which we were witness and which was heavily criticised
by many on the nine person panel was granted approval after a committee member
pleaded that if it were refused it would on appeal almost certainly be approved
and therefore the cost of said appeal to the council would be a waste of
council tax payers` money. My thoughts at the time were unprintable. With that
background a return to the happenings within the magistracy might be seen in
I was in court two days after the above
meeting. One of my colleagues had been a person I had had the privilege of
sitting with on her first two sittings ever some three or four years previously. After
the above sitting she mentioned casually during the usual informal chit chat I
enjoyed having with colleagues irrespective of whether a formal post court
discussion with the L/A was or was not worth the time, that some few months
prior the bench chairman had stated during a discussion on whether special
reasons had been established not to disqualify an errant driver that if the
bench declined it would be overturned on appeal. That argument apparently
persuaded her colleague but not her to vote with the chairman to allow for the
establishment of special reasons. My other colleague and I were dismayed. We
left the building feeling that enough had been said.