It is common knowledge that knife crime this year in London has reached record levels. It is therefore not irrational to conclude that current practices are not having the required effect in protecting the public and victims who are often young black men as are many of the offenders. Any sensible law makers would seek reasons for the situation and offer sensible evidence based solutions. But any observers offering such a common sense approach risk being accused of political correctness if race based initiatives are amongst the mix of those possible solutions.
This blogger along with most involved in our justice system despairs about what has happened to and within that justice system since 2010. Police who have been deprived the resources to do what the founder of modern policing stated to be the aim of his "bobbies" although later ascribed to Richard Mayne at the Metropolitan Police Training School at Hendon and the source of reference to all constables in the Instruction Book. The first passage in that book which they had to learn and recite word-perfect was the “Primary Objects”.This was written in 1829 by said Richard Mayne one of the first two Justices of the Peace (later in 1839 referred to as Commissioners) appointed in charge of the Metropolitan Police Force and published in Police Orders. The Primary Objects: are as follows:
“The primary object of an efficient police is the prevention of crime: the next that of detection and punishment of offenders if crime is committed. To these ends all the efforts of police must be directed. The protection of life and property, the preservation of public tranquillity, and the absence of crime, will alone prove whether those efforts have been successful and whether the objects for which the police were appointed have been attained.”And the end point of criminality is prison where today Birmingham jail has been taken over by the state after the private sector has been shown to be possibly criminally incompetent in its management. Between police and prison, courts and probation service have been similarly emasculated. I am left feeling that this is akin to the 1997 scenario of a tired and useless John Major government about to be driven out of office and rightly so except that in the wings is a group of antisemitic Marxists licking their lips at the ruin they will bring to the nation to realise their lifelong dreams. This scenario leads to ever increasing cries for "something to be done" and that inescapably leads to the populists in our midst offering simple get out of jail free cards. And to complete the metaphor, monopoly in all its dire forms results. Another term for that in this context is authoritarianism.