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Monday 3 August 2015


Civil liberties...........a phrase and concept which can cause the best of friends to engage in bitter debate.  It can be one person`s license to defy authority or another person`s excuse to call for greater control of unpopular demonstrations of minority opinion. There is rarely a controversial civil liberties situation that can clearly be argued black or white; the answer or solution is usually one of determining which shade of grey is applicable.  That is until the recent outburst from the Police and Crime Commissioner of West Yorkshire.  He wants to use his powers to ban lawful protests because he can`t afford to police them. 

Just what sort of society are we becoming?  The ruling party has made itself a hostage to the NHS and that has resulted in the Home Office and Justice Department undermining  our whole justice  system  from inter alia  border controls at seaports and airports, general policing, probation services and  courts system to deaths in police custody and prisons.  Somewhere in Whitehall there must be voices telling their political masters that all this has to stop or we will wake up in 2020 with only 20/20 hindsight to excuse the calamity of what we will have become.

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