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Thursday, 27 August 2015


The iniquitous Courts Charge has been a repeated  topic here since its imposition four months ago.  Indeed I left the magistracy shortly before my appointed date so that I would not be in the middle chair having to impose this insult to justice.  News media are now catching up to the reality of this injustice.  This piece in The Independent is a fair synopsis of what is happening every hour in our courts.  The letter from an ex colleague published recently in the Guardian says it all.  I doff my hat to R.Stilwell. You,sir, are an honourable man. 


  1. And where is the support from the senior judiciary? As I have said before they are too afraid to put their heads over the parapet! They have to impose even greater amounts but their silence is deafening! Enough said...

  2. Or the substantial number of DJs. They mumble away in the retiring rooms but unlike some magistrates, they are cowed.

  3. Concentrating on the effect on the poor misses an important point. They will probably never pay it. However it is far more likely to impinge on those of more middling income who will definitely end up paying it. Motoring offences are the most likely - want to challenge a border-line careless driving charge? Best think of the financial consequences first!
