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Monday, 25 August 2014

ONE LAW FOR THEM.........?

There were about 524,000 summonses for motoring offences last year.  Those who plead not guilty by post are summonsed to attend for trial.  For those who notify the court that the proposed date is unsuitable and indicate any future unsuitable date eg for pre booked holiday, an adjournment will  usually be granted.  Well; that`s the usual procedure.  The purpose is to pursue speedy, simple, summary justice.  But if you`re a famous cricketer it seems more favourable terms can be declared.  In this case, from the limited report,  it appears that the defendant   is doing the court a favour.  One law for them............?  And what are the odds that a District Judge will be allocated this case when it does eventually come to trial?


  1. I think that you are misreading the newspaper report - the only way the court would want to see him is if he faces disqualification, not for the heinous crime of driving at 17mph over the national limit or to have a celebrity moment (and no selfies in court, of course), but as a potential totter.

  2. Those who plead not guilty by post are summonsed to attend for trial. For those who notify the court that the proposed date is unsuitable and indicate any future unsuitable date eg for pre booked holiday, an adjournment will usually be granted. case management software
