The Ministry of Justice has today published
statistics extolling Capita plc`s efforts to satisfy the critics of its
interpreters` contract insofar as its
apparent failures to provide a quality service to courts and tribunals. It is obvious to all that a statistical
analysis of any procedure depends 100% upon the information supplied to the
analysers who conduct the analysis. My own personal experience informs me that
that is where the rosy picture painted at Petty France originates. I would argue that court officers through a
mixture of under reporting for a variety of reasons and ineptitude do not
report in full the true extent of failures to attend. As far as seeking locally sourced replacements;
by the time which has elapsed since a failure to attend has been accepted or
“confirmed” a decision has been made to
adjourn proceedings or no local substitute is available.
Any fly on the wall statisticians
attending a magistrates` court for a couple of weeks with access to the retiring room would soon become acquainted with the lack of
management. It is to their credit that
the majority of legal advisors , who are
privy to this maladministration, by their
fortitude in this situation keep the
system tottering along with the ever sympathetic lay benches in support.
You and your readers may be interested to read my Prison UK blog post on this subject: Lost in Translation: I've had experience of this issue, both in a professional capacity, and later as a prisoner.