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Tuesday, 1 December 2015


There are  some people, J.P.s and politicians, who, for their own unknown and illogical reasons, still refer to or hanker after local justice for local people. The reality is that this concept can now only be referred to as a historical situation to be equated with transportation to the colonies. It is a dead concept; an outdated concept; a concept no longer with us.  There are however some diehards. I recollect reading a report a few years ago of a bench chairman proudly remarking that he and his colleagues living in the same small town and knowing a defendant enabled them to operate the law more equitably than otherwise would have been the case.  I wonder whether that included perhaps chatting to said individual or others before or after the hearing.

Recently barrister Mohammed Faruk was reprimanded for being over friendly to jurors at Basildon station after a recent trial.  His copy book is now forever blotted.  Unfortunate for him but what about the situation in courts where members of the bench have no private access? Where all court users enter and exit through a single portal.  How many ex colleagues have perhaps uttered a brief word or two in all innocence  to a person prior to or subsequent to a court appearance? With the magistracy being the most politically correct organisation and group of people I have ever encountered I would suggest at all times "mum`s the word".

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