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Friday, 27 January 2017


I considered whether another offender stealing to fund a drug habit was worth reporting.  I decided that such daily occurrences at every Magistrates` Court not being available in nicely wrapped statistical bundles to be used as "evidence"  to argue for the forcible incarceration of such offenders I would risk boring my reader with yet another such report.  Surely the day must come when we stop imprisoning addicts for a few weeks for assault or shoplifting etc and try to cure them.  The advantages are obvious; fewer convicts, long term reduction in costs and a safer society.  Forget even de-criminalisation. It is just senseless to continue on the current path. I`m having a laugh. On second thoughts rarely do governments act from common sense.


  1. Again you are right. Courts and society cannot go on like this - something new must be tried. The government must act to give both Mags and CC the power to make orders that are compulsory and NOT subject to the agreement of the offender. It may mean close monitoring with tags and GPS, regular (hourly) reporting, specialist hostels and more - I don;t know but we cannot continue as we are. Different schemes could be tried in different areas and compared with each other. Money must be made available of course but for every success the country is moving towards a cost saving. Just a few comments but action by government MUST be soon but I have little trust that the present Lord Chancellor has the will nor the ability to lead on this.

  2. A fellow JP on my bench who was a very, very senior manager involved in national drug treatment programmes , said that the sad but irrefutable truth was that they didn't work! Sitting with her and making rehab. orders were not days full of hope..........
