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Wednesday 22 February 2017


It seems that HMCTS is soon going to roll out its own news service re results from magistrates` courts.  West Sussex Magistrates` Court would appear to be the first area in  unannounced pilot scheme. See previous posts. This is an iniquitous step when local media for one reason or another abrogate the task of local reporting.  HMCTS will in theory  be solely responsible for public news. That in theory and practice is bad for democratic freedom of information. 


  1. This is the first step on a very slippery slope - history tells us that with so many examples. It is NOT the job of HMCTS to use any of its' vast resources to attempt to 'promote' its' business by this method. Does that mean that they have a cut a deal with the local press that they will accept these press releases and print them? Does money change hands? If so how much? And has the new head of HMCTS ever contacted you like she promised? The silence is deafening.

  2. Agreed. Somehow we need reporters at courts, reporting all this. we need restrictions lifted. We must of course protect the children, so we need to make provision for anonymising reports. If the press were recording everything, maybe the court could produce the transcript of the judgement, and then maybe the press could confirm that the transcript is accurate?
