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Friday 6 October 2017


On 25th September I posted on a crown court judge being reported to the Judicial Conduct Investigations Office by the National Alliance of Gypsy Traveller and Roma Women for remarks he made after sentencing a gypsy gang of slavers. My opinion was not in favour of that organisation`s actions. That original post is available here. The JCIO seems to have gotten its act together in record time and the charge against HH has been dismissed. I`m sure that many magistrates caught up in spurious accusations that lead to their being before that high and mighty star chamber hope that their case would be dealt with as quickly. 


  1. "I`m sure that many magistrates caught up in spurious accusations that lead to their being before that high and mighty star chamber hope that their case would be dealt with as quickly. "

    Spot on JP. Simple Speedy Summary justice does not apply to Magistrates.

  2. I'd value your thoughts on the president of the Prison Governors Association saying - in essence - that magistrates shouldn't be allowed to give prison sentences at all.

    I wonder if she realises that's the consequence of her statement.

    1. Sentencing is outwith the horizon of prison governors. They mistakenly consider that were magistrates` courts` powers restricted to non custodial sentencing their [governors`] problems would reduce. I assume you meant magistrates` courts and not just magistrates.
