of us recognise inefficiencies without their having had any personal effects on
our personal lives; some don`t. Some of us are responsible for these
inefficiencies; some are not. Some of us endeavour to put right these
inefficiencies; some do not. My biggest grouch is reserved for those who
can rectify inefficiencies but choose not to do so either through indolence,
disinterest or fear. As can be noted from all the political clap-trap of
late all major parties are placing the reduction or removal of inefficiencies
within government in its broadest sense as a prime requirement to reduce the
deficit caused by the government`s failure itself to control
ineffectiveness in various financial supervisory bodies.
could comment on the Ministry of Justice in general in this regard but not today. But I can
comment on the courts` system in particular. Whether or not these comments
are typical of a general malaise I can only refer to my previous blogs on the
Crown Prosecution Service where many ex colleagues and I were well aware of its
being unfit for purpose long before the official inspections proved us
few years ago a friend approached me for advice. He had been summonsed as
a witness to a neighbouring court. I inspected the summons which stated
clearly the time and date at which he was to be available at the named
court. Indeed the court was named but there was no mention of its address
or telephone number. I wrote a letter and made a couple of calls
receiving an unapologetic reply that the matter would be looked into. As
is often the case my friend duly turned up to do his duty but the case was
adjourned because on the morning the interpreter who had been booked did not
turn up. When, a few weeks later, my friend received another summons the
court`s address and telephone number were on the summons. I took four
points from that. How long had the previous design been in use, what individual
or more likely what committee had approved the design, how much had
it cost to re-print and how many witnesses failed to appear as a result?
the Magistrates` Courts system there are many varied activities; some courts
are very busy and some less so. In a major city court building where
perhaps six or more courts are sitting simultaneously in the remand
courtroom there are invariably listed more cases than can be dealt with and the
excess cases will be decanted to another courtroom where for one reason or
another there is spare capacity. In a small court in a suburb or in the shires
where the building has not yet been closed under the Ministry`s drive for
"efficiency" ie reduce costs if eg a trial does not proceed JPs can
be left sitting around with nothing to do; an activity which the Ministry is
not too concerned about because JPs are unpaid volunteers. But when that
inactivity is due solely to CPS inefficiencies which should and could have been
sorted by a ten year old child one really does despair.
any number of reasons many Magistrates` Courts are listing trials three or four
months ahead. Justice delayed is justice stayed. Many magistrates
enjoy the experience of sitting away from their home courts perhaps to examine
their own competence with new colleagues and legal advisers whose procedures
might provide a learning experience and/or the need for some additional thought
to what as in many skilled professional jobs can become somewhat routine
activities. Such was the case with a former colleague. A
neighbouring court in the county required additional chairmen JPs to help clear
a backlog of trials. She volunteered to attend. Although all parties, CPS
prosecutor, defence counsel, defendant, interpreter, police witnesses for the
prosecution and a witness for the defence were all in attendance the
prosecutor`s case file had not reached the court and had gone
missing. The story of this missing file is an example of such gross
incompetence and lack of interest in procedures by those concerned that I
tell it here as she relayed it to me.
file was held at local CPS office to be sent to "her" court, one of
three courts in that CPS area. The Government Mail Department is responsible
for the delivery of all such files. Complaints by the bench to a very senior
person at the CPS elicited the information that it had been left at the CPS in
a sealed envelope addressed to the court. No information on whether the
procedure of collection required a signature or time stamp on some log. The
courier service confirmed that all files that morning had been collected and
delivered. My ex colleague enquired about procedures usually employed at the court
for acceptance of such files. She was told by a court official that the
files are left in an office by the courier; they are not checked on receipt or
signed for. Her conclusion was that the missing file must have been
delivered in error to another court building in the county and if all other
courts operate such non procedure procedures it probably would have remained
there until some curious individual looked inside.
senior CPS person promised to provide a full written explanation in due
course. The upshot of this tale of woe is that the three magistrates who
had apparently all come from their home courts for the morning sitting had
nothing else to do as in that particular local small court building there
was only one other courtroom functioning and the list was not unduly
overburdensome for its bench.
number of people involved could and should have been alerted to the inherent
inefficiency that was in operation. Meantime a complete CPS case file
containing highly sensitive information went missing. If this weren`t a Justice
of the Peace blog I`d say this waste of public time and money was
criminal.........but since it is such a blog I`ll content myself as describing
those involved whoever they might have been as highly culpable.
Now I am a passive observer of and no longer an active participant in court affairs. From observations and accounts heard and read from various sources it would appear that today HMCTS and CPS in combination are presiding over a much more inefficient courts system than I ever experienced. I`m very pleased to be where I am; sitting on the outside looking in.