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Saturday 17 August 2013


My sitting this week was somewhat unusual.  We actually entered the court room at 10.00a.m. and next saw the retiring room at 1.15p.m.  Those unfamiliar with behind the scenes at a magistrates` court have a right to utter, “So what`s so special about that?”  What is so special is that with myriad inefficiencies in the co-ordination of all the agencies inputting to the functioning of a court to have them all operating correctly for once and allowing a continuous uninterrupted session   is almost beyond belief.  And what turned that day from being unusual to being one to remember was that the afternoon session proceeded along similar lines until we made our exit at 4.45p.m.

If every sitting for me and my colleagues was as effective as the one described morale in the retiring room would be given a shot in the arm.  Sadly that is a pipe dream.

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