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Tuesday 27 August 2013


Last week news outlets were telling us that the two women, one Irish and the other Scots, stopped from boarding a flight from Lima Peru to Madrid with over 24 lbs cocaine worth £1.5 million in their luggage might languish in jail for three years before their case comes to court.  Mentally the tut tuts of the legal profession could be heard at the Inns of Court.  Many countries have longer pre trial periods than Peru and many defendants are held on remand in prison.  We pride ourselves on our English system of justice or so we are told.  Indeed Justice Secretaries of all hues had and have as their mantra, “the best justice system in the world” on their desk as soon as they assume office.  Its removal should be imminent if there were any honour left in that department of the state.

Much has been made of the time on police bail spent by some suspected of hacking.  But closer to home without scrutiny of quarterly statistics it is only the occasional news report in local print media which reveals that in this country innocent people ………and all those charged are innocent before trial……….are being remanded on bail for unconscionable periods of time prior to the dropping of charges.  It does not take the imagination of a Booker prize winner to appreciate the strain which such a circumstance can place upon a person. 

The situation at Gloucester Crown Court and Phillip Davies is not one of which CPS can be proud.  It is probably an inevitable result of the numbers made redundant at that organisation and tasks being increasingly performed by incompetent and/or overworked personnel without the skills for the tasks they have been allotted. 

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