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Monday, 21 July 2014


It`s well known that some bars and pubs use live sports events on TV to encourage custom. Sky TV is the most widely used format for this aid to business and consequently its commercial contracts reflect this in their pricing and the punishments handed out for breach of contract. BBC television licenses are fixed in price; £145 for up to 15 entertainment units. A publican in the East Midlands was fined only £135 for operating a TV on his premises without a license; a similar figure for householders using a TV without a license. With all the hoo ha about BBC TV licensing renewal structure surely it would make sense if that organisation is to continue to be publicly financed for it to follow Sky TV and make commercial locations pay an individually priced contract fee depending upon circumstances, turnover etc and thus reduce the burden on low income families.


  1. When I was sitting in court I was always very uneasy dealing with TV licence evasion as a criminal offence. I did what I had to do but now I think the time has come for the licence fee to be scrapped and for the BBC to stand on its own feet. Even with the cuts it is still a bloated organisation as the programme W1A wonderfully exposed.

  2. There is a shameful hypocrisy about the BBC. It eschews advertising and yet every day it provides a vehicle for 'celebrities' of one kind or another to promote their latest book/film/record/concert etc. It's advertising and ought not to be allowed for as long as advertising is contrary to BBC policy.
