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Thursday, 24 July 2014


The last few days have produced a few interesting stories about the boys in blue. It seems that the recently amalgamated Scottish police forces now known as Police Scotland are more likely to be armed than some consider is necessary. There is also the practice of “stop and search” which has had the Met Commissioner recently on the defensive. In Scotland the cops do it an awful lot more often than they do in New York. It has been recognised that the Met`s policy was directed out of all reasonable proportion to black and brown skinned people. Considering that ethnic minority north of the border can signify ginger hair one wonders just what justifies those numbers. And while West Yorkshire Police have rejected all direct entry high rank applicants the Met has decided that if you want to join its club and patrol the streets of the metropolis you will have had to have lived in the great city for at least three years preceding your application.

What an interesting world we inhabit.


  1. Your post seems to be a car crash of three stories which don't really belong together, confused with politics and poor journalistic statistic munching! The opening story about Police Scotland's change of policy ignores the irony that the politician creating the rumpus represents the former Northern Constabulary area who operated this policy for pre-unification.

    Analysing stats between jurisdictions is always dangerous, and even more so when you compare a major metropolis like London or N.Y. with a demographically, and geographically different region. Mixing in stories about race just adds to the obscurity.

    1. Just reporting on a few issues hardly making headline shoot the messenger.........

  2. Totally agree with the comment; what is the actual point of this post? Attempting to compare apples and oranges to 'prove' something undefined.

    If you are trying to say something, do a lot better than this.
