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Wednesday 20 May 2015


Along with most of us I was shocked at the conclusion of the case of the Philippines so called nurse who was convicted of murder earlier this week.  What was almost as troubling was the complacency of the head of the Nursing and Midwifery Council which is charged with regulating those entitled to registration with said body when questioned about procedures of verification. The whole process has admittedly been tightened since the individual in this case arrived in England.  Nevertheless this sad story is just another case of a regulatory body failing in its duty of public protection.  It seems blindingly obvious that there are failures in the whole process from the drafting of basic objectives and regulations for such bodies, selection of appointees to senior posts and the overseeing by supervisory authorities.  In no sphere is this more apparent than with the police. I came across this information which some say gives cause for concern. An example which, along with Scotland Yard`s denial of a keystone cops approach to the Hatton Garden heist, should bring tears instead of smiles to readers, was revealed recently when the almost laughable failures at Cumbria police caused a trial to be abandoned. In view of the history of senior officers of that force the problems of supervision seem endemic in the way we run public organisations.  Verdicts as above brought in courts should not come as surprising.

1 comment:

  1. Much pious whining about lack of checking. Has anyone worked out how much it would cost to truly verify qualifications? Let alone how long it would take. Very big numbers and where is the money coming from. Of course no one has actually written down 'sod it, take the risk, there's no budget' but that is surely the real mind set behind this sad tale.

    Any realistic administrator has to take risks or nothing would get done. The danger lies in the subtle nudging, separation of responsibilities and built-in deniability, these extend the risks beyond what reasonable people would find acceptable - but they cut costs - for a while.
