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Monday, 23 November 2015


I had thought that there would be little to mention for a while at least on the criminal courts charge.  I was wrong.  Another judge in the crown court has made public comment.  This just reinforces my post last week about the Lord Chief Justice.  There are about 650 judges (excluding recorders) sitting in our crown courts. I presume they have some sort of representative body.  Where was it when the Ministry of Justice issued its intention to initiate this charge?  Was a decision taken that it would have been unconstitutional to make any reservations known?  Were there any reservations at that time? This whole mess brings the judiciary into disrepute.  It does nothing to uphold confidence in government when we learn today that British built anti submarine planes scrapped before they were commissioned in 2010 are to be replaced by American made aircraft for the very same purpose and that French and Canadian such aircraft last week had to be flown north of northern Scotland searching for a Russian submarine.

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