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Wednesday 28 May 2014


The topic of interpreters in court and the destructive changes in the last few years have not featured here for a while but were a frequent feature at my previous site. However an article in today`s Law Society Gazette brought to mind a conversation I had with an acquaintance two years ago. It turned out she was a highly qualified Slovak/English, English/Slovak interpreter. Indeed she had officiated at the highest levels in the U.N. and the E.U. Until the take over of court interpreter services by Capita plc (I consider it unlikely that a few years down the line we will not read interesting revelations of their acquisition of that contract) she had been available at short notice for what is a rarely required language in police stations as well as in the courts. She confided to me that she and all her Slovak/English colleagues, fewer than ten, had turned their backs on the offer of work from Capita; the terms were such that they were almost insulting. She and the others had enough work from sources which valued their expertise.

Now, getting back to the article which has initiated this post, the language in question was Slovakian. Perhaps the higher judiciary really are out of touch with what`s happening around them which goes back to my previous post.

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