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Monday 11 May 2015


Well! At long last it`s a pleasure to see the end of Grayling`s tenure at Petty France. There is much to his successor Michael Gove to be admired.  He was an outstanding journalist with The Times who made his opinions perfectly clear.  There was very little that was grey in his column; it was written clearly in terms of black and white. And so it was whilst he was in charge of education.  Many of his initiatives were anathema to the teaching unions but IMHO that enhanced his dedication to a role of putting the child first second and third in his priorities to allow gifted children from deprived backgrounds to rise as far as their abilities could take them echoing his own achievements from being adopted in Aberdeen to a place in cabinet.

As new Secretary of State for Justice/Lord Chancellor he will be forced to  apply pruning shears to an already emasculated justice system. He seems to be an honourable man; a term that would have no place in the description of his predecessor and this observer would hope that unlike him he applies himself without resort to breaking the law and lying to us all. 


  1. It is indeed an excellent appointment. It was sad to see him removed as Education Secretary and his sense of justice gives cause for optimism in his new role.

  2. One can only hope that he acts in the interests of justice - unlike his predecessor
