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Monday 24 April 2017


There is a shortage of magistrates in Wigan.  The local paper has published the following statement from Liz Truss to encourage applicants.  I wonder how much is still applicable to today`s situation. 

The Lord Chancellor Liz Truss said: “The involvement of lay people - recruited from a cross-section of our society - is a central principle in the administration of justice. It helps safeguard our citizens, with crucial decisions affecting an individual’s liberty being decided not by officials of the state - but by an independent bench of trained magistrates drawn from the local community. Our judiciary is amongst the most respected and independent in the world - part of a justice system that is widely admired at home and abroad.”

The Lord Chancellor Liz Truss said: “The involvement of lay people - recruited from a cross-section of our society - is a central principle in the administration of justice. It helps safeguard our citizens, with crucial decisions affecting an individual’s liberty being decided not by officials of the state - but by an independent bench of trained magistrates drawn from the local community. Our judiciary is amongst the most respected and independent in the world - part of a justice system that is widely admired at home and abroad.”

Read more at:
The Lord Chancellor Liz Truss said: “The involvement of lay people - recruited from a cross-section of our society - is a central principle in the administration of justice. It helps safeguard our citizens, with crucial decisions affecting an individual’s liberty being decided not by officials of the state - but by an independent bench of trained magistrates drawn from the local community. Our judiciary is amongst the most respected and independent in the world - part of a justice system that is widely admired at home and abroad.”

Read more at:

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps the powers that be should stop treating JPs as unpaid civil servants and learn how to manage volunteers instead.
