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Wednesday, 1 April 2015


Traditionally April 1st is All Fools Day and judging by what we have heard and seen from the electoral combatants so far perhaps All Fools Month would be a better description for 2015.  One factor that can be  laid before us is the extreme unlikelihood of a certain Chris Grayling being allowed to appear before a television audience to encourage support for the Tories. If he were to do so it would be akin to Rosemary West publicly applying to be a foster mother.  It ain`t going to happen.

I cannot remember a Lord Chancellor/Justice Secretary  who has alienated more groups who operate under his authority. Lawyers of all persuasions including the CPS who of course must remain silent, probation officers, prison officials of all ranks including those charged with inspection, judges, magistrates and of course the very concept of Justice itself.  Even for readers inclined to vote Tory it would be interesting to question your candidate as s/he occupies the doorstep for two minutes as to the legacy of said now former Lord Chancellor. In four short years he has tarnished the concept of British justice. It is hard at this stage to consider how what has been lost will ever be regained.


  1. Who's Ruth West? Did you perhaps mean Rosemary?

    Also, please change your new header pic - it is so blurred it makes my eyes go funny....

    1. Thank you Jaguar for your correction which has been acted upon. Sorry about the header.........took me long enough to balance the page and of course there are my referral fees from Specsavers to consider
