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Thursday 16 July 2015


If prizes were awarded for  an  ability on meeting a donkey  to leave it without the benefit of its hind legs  it would surely be awarded to the rabid left wingers in academia and politics who rarely fail to use one word when a dozen are available.  With the spectacle of Greece before us there are still so many who don`t acknowledge that King Cnute contrary to popular belief did not attempt to show his earls and thanes he could control the waves but indeed the exact opposite; that he too was a mortal being who had no powers to that effect. With Michael Gove exorting more lawyers to work pro bono is this the new  government`s way to improve productivity?

A group writing under the banner of Respublica believes there are professionals who owe it to society to work for nothing.  They wrap up so much verbiage in the 36 pages they take to offer their message I fear for the future of the donkey as a species.  Who am I to argue with such enlightened minds.  I wonder if Jeremy Corbyn is a subscriber or even the aforesaid Mr Gove?

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